Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Collection of Books ... (so far)
from the early years

The very first book written about The Jackson 5

Yes, that's a library sticker in the corner 
but I didn't steal it...uh, I bought it!  ;-)

PapaJoe'sBoys...this title cracks me up!  

See this book, Trapped - go on Jetzi's 
website and read a few pages. Very ODD!

Weekly Reader School Book.
         Pretty cool, huh!

I wonder why this book is titled "Those Incredible Jackson Boys and only Michael is on the cover?
I bet I can take a guess why....   ;-)

Yeah, he's MAGIC alright! 

There's another Mark Rowland book titled "Michael Jackson Trivia"
It's on  my "to add" list.

This is the book HC personally shared with us

My latest addition thanks to my good friend and sister  RB xo 

Yes Michael, you are VERY special! xo 

The text in this book, not so hot.
 A few mistakes on the dates  -
it's a "so-so" book.

MJJS10 Question: 
 WHAT? Is this yours FS? Did you buy a copy? 

MJJS1  Answer:    
YES! Yes, I finally bought the book I've had my eye on for over a year now!
H  u  r  r  a  y! 

Each book is the actual photo of my collection.